5 effective tips to get fit for skiing . by Bergland holiday apartment Söll

And? Are you already looking forward to skiing with us at the Wilder Kaiser? Get ready for the slopes with us! Regular skiing or snowboarding requires strength in the legs, upper body and bottom, as well as speed, stamina and fitness. Special ski gymnastics prepares you specifically for winter sports and reduces the risk of injury.

Advantages of ski gymnastics:

Here is an overview of some of the advantages: Targeted training:

  • strengthens muscles,
  • promotes correct posture,
  • protects tendons and joints,
  • improves balance,
  • increases stamina and
  • reduces susceptibility to muscle soreness.

We at Aparthotel Bergland – your top holiday apartment in Söll am Wildern Kaiser – have put together a special training program for you to prepare you optimally for your next turns in the snow at home.

5 exercises for your ski gymnastics:

Here are the most effective exercises to do at home to improve your ski fitness:

Exercise 1: The frond jump

Start your workout with a dynamic warm-up exercise. Jump sideways from side to side with your feet closed for 30 seconds. This increases your heart rate and warms up your muscles. Perform three rounds to optimally prepare your body for the other exercises.

Exercise 2: The ski squat

This exercise aims to strengthen the thigh muscles. Place your feet flat on the floor, bend your knees and lean your upper body forward (keeping your back straight!). For a more intense variation, you can lean your back against a wall and bend your knees to a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for 30 seconds and repeat the exercise three times.

Exercise 3: The hip bridge

Lie flat on your back, bend your knees and lift your buttocks up to form a straight line from your thighs to your upper body. Hold this position for 20 seconds, then roll your spine towards the floor. This exercise should also be repeated three times.

Exercise 4 & 5 for targeted abdominal muscle training

We recommend two very effective exercises to strengthen your abdominal muscles and build a strong core:

Exercise 4: Forearm support:

Lie flat on your stomach and lift your body up so that you are resting on your toes and forearms on the floor. Your legs and torso should form a straight line. Hold this position for 25 seconds and then relax with a 25-second break. Repeat the exercise four times.

Exercise 5: Crunches:

Now lie on your back, bend your legs and place your feet hip-width apart on the floor. Lightly touch your head above your ears with your fingertips. Raise your head and upper body as high as possible and then lower it again. Do 30 repetitions and breathe regularly. After completing the crunches, pull your knees towards your chest to relax your stomach and back. This exercise should be repeated two to three times. Perform these 5 exercises daily for three to four weeks to prepare yourself as well as possible for the ski season and minimize the risk of injury. You can find more tips about skiing and your winter vacation in our Bergland blog.

We at Aparthotel Bergland – your top holiday apartment in Söll am Wildern Kaiser – wish you lots of fun staying fit for the slopes! We are already looking forward to creating wonderful skiing days for you on the Wilder Kaiser!

Best regards from Söll Verena and Günter Source:https://www.ottonova.de/gesund-leben/fitness/ski-workout#:~:text=Und%20das%20hat%20gute%20Gr%C3%BCnde,sch%C3%BCtzen%20gleichzeitig%20Sehnen%20und%20Gelenke.